Wednesday, March 26, 2008

MEN iT sucks!!!

The othere day I went to the store... you know just for fun.. and found the "Organic Sheet sets" on sale for 15.00 bucks KING SIZE. bESIDES THE POINT.... THEN I CHECK THE LABEL .... MADE IN .... not the US That got me thinking. Where did it started from ... the chicken or the egg???!!!!
Isn't it the whole idea to consume products closer to home... gas emissions and that shit..., consume products that do not have pesticides ...soil contamination and more shit......
Well I have noticed the invasion of ORGANIC AND environmentally friendly PRODUCTS made in china being sold in the US sooooo
What is better Organic Pasta from Italy orRegular Pasta from California given that you live in KANSAS CITY???????????
Organic cotton sheets from Thailand or Regular Sheet from China?
Organic or not organic ???

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